Creations of Habit

If you are united with the Anointed One, you are a new creation.  The old life is gone...a new life has begun! 2 Cor. 5:17.

When I got out of prison I was required to put an alcohol-detecting device on my car.  This is a piece of equipment that has to blown into before the car will start.

I was mandated to have this device on my car the 4 years I was on parole.  Each day, I would get into my car, turn the key part-way in the ignition, and the machine would start to beep.  I could then blew into this contraption so that my car would start. 

It was only after its removal that I begin seeing how conditioned I was to this acquired habit.  Several days after the removal of the device I can remember sitting inside my car waiting for the beep so that I could blow into that machine.  I sat there and laughed out loud.....all I had to do now was turn the key fully to start the car.

Yea, what freedom it was to.....just get in the car and drive.

I was thinking about the freedom a reborn child of God has.  We should be totally joyful that we have been set free by Jesus. 

We now possess the Key.....

Reborn children of God are supposed to---just get into life and love.

Jesus died so that we wouldn't have to be bound up by things learned from the past---fear, frustration, retaliation, pride, greed, lust, etc.  When we belong to Him..the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit..Romans 5:5.

Don't complicate it.

His way is simple.

The world needs their Creator.  Jesus told us we are to "be" witnesses for Him all over the earth..Acts 1:8.

                                            God is love...1 John 4:8

He told us to love each other deeply and fully, remembering the ways He has loved us, and to demonstrate our love for others in those same ways.  John 13:34........

We are not supposed to sit and wait for vessels to give us alerts to blow breath into them---  we should make it a habit to just get into life each day and turn on the key of love.