Christian Fireflies

...Become blameless and harmless children of God, without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world....Philippians 2:15

I was sitting in the backyard early last evening watching deer and hummingbirds.  As the darkness of night set in, I couldn't help but notice how fireflies suddenly dominated the entire scene. 

 I was awed and inspired by their beauty.  A calming and healing effect came over my total being as I watched these tiny creatures in action. 

There were hundreds of them flitting around, and I never knew where one would turn up next.  The amazing thing was how they stood out in such contrast to the dark of the night.  No matter where the light came on,  my attention was automatically drawn to that location.

I started thinking that Jesus' followers are supposed to stand out in this dark world just like the fireflies stood out against the darkness of night.

People are hurting, people are lonely, people are sick,  people are dying---they desperately need to see Jesus in action. 

If you belong to Jesus, then you are a light.  Jesus told His followers, "You are the light of the world...Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."  Matthew 5:14,16

Ok, so how can we be Christian fireflies?

It isn't some complicated thing.  It is simple, really.  WWJD--What would Jesus do,

or say?

Every time our love contrasts against hate, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time our faith contrasts against fear, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time our gently soothing words contrasts against harsh angry words, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time truth contrasts against a lie, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time joy contrasts against gloom, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time peace contrasts against agitation, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time patience contrasts against irritation, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time healing contrasts against sickness, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Every time blessing contrasts against cursing, the world is experiencing Jesus.

Get the point?

If such a miniscule creature as the firefly can light up total darkness so that it draws attention, just think how powerful your positive words, heartfelt gestures, or sincere smiles can be to the dark world around.

I have no doubt that you will have an opportunity to be a Christian firefly today.